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Three-dimensional distribution of individual atoms in the channels of beryl

Three-dimensional distribution of individual atoms in the channels of beryl Daniel Knez, Christian Gspan, Nikola Šimić, Stefan Mitsche, Harald Fitzek, Karl Gatterer, Helmar Wiltsche, Gerald Kothleitner, Werner Grogger & Ferdinand Hofer Communications Materials volume 5, Article number: 19 (2024) Cite this article Abstract Single atom detection in nanoporous materials is a significant challenge, particularly due to their sensitivity to electron irradiation. Here, natural beryl (Be3Al2Si6O18) is used as a model system to quantitatively analyse the occupancy of its atomic channels. High-angle annular dark-field imaging in a scanning…
Margit Wallner
3. April 2024

Easter Calendar

Easter Calendar 2024 Der Frühling kommt, die Blumen beginnen zu blühen! Ermutigt durch die zahlreichen positiven Rückmeldungen zu unserem Adventkalender 2023 und auf allgemeinen Wunsch hin zeigen wir in der Kar-Woche die Pollen einiger schöner Pflanzen, die wir untersucht haben. Den Anfang macht Basilikum! Die zarten schönen Blüten setzen kugelige Pollen frei. Das Bild wurde mit einem Rasterelektronenmikroskop (REM) in 1.000-facher Vergrößerung gemacht und wurde von unserer Kollegin am FELMI-ZFE sehr ansprechend eingefärbt – denn REM-Bilder bekommt man grundsätzlich in…
Kaltrina Sahiti
25. March 2024

ACR Start-Up Preis 2023

ACR Start-Up Preis 2023 BRAVE Analytics und das ZFE haben den ACR Start-Up-Preis 2023 gewonnen. Ausgezeichnet wurde die Entwicklung einer neuartigen Technologie zur dynamischen Charakterisierung von Nano-Teilchen. (more…)
Kaltrina Sahiti
20. October 2023

ASTEM – The Story Behind

Being able to see and analyse materials at atomic resolution, has been a strong motivation for improving the electron microscope. However, the resolution of the conventional transmission electron microscope (TEM) was limited to around 0.2 nanometre, which is slightly larger than the diameter of atoms.
26. January 2023

The ESTEEM3 Project

The ESTEEM3 initiative brings together the leading European laboratories equipped with the most advanced TEM installations and thereby aims to be the key European multi-site research and user infrastructure platform for advanced electron microscopy characterisations.
24. January 2023

TU Graz SciPix

TU Graz SciPix is a photo and video competition held at TU Graz, which focuses the spotlight on the diverse research being carried out at the Styrian research institution.
22. November 2022

ACR Innovationspreis 2021

The project partner of this cooperation Borkenstein & Borkenstein is a medical practice, which is highly specialized on cataract surgeries. In this operation, the intraocular lens (IOL) replaces the natural eye lens while the lens sheath remains.
22. November 2022

Publications in High Impact Journals

D. Kuhness, A. Gruber, R. Winkler, J. Sattelkow, H. Fitzek, I. Letofsky-Pabst, G. Kothleitner and H. PlankThe interest in plasmonics and in particular in nano-plasmonics is still unbroken, due to their highly interesting physics and potential applications such as nano-emitters or high-performance sensors. (more…)
22. November 2022

FELMI-ZFE-WEBINAR Bau & Umweltmaterialien

Wir freuen uns, Sie zu unserem kostenfreien Webinar im Bereich der Bau- & Umweltmaterialien einzuladen! Wir zeigen die Möglichkeiten der mikroskopischen Untersuchung von komplexen Materialkombinationen, wobei die Anwendung unterschiedlicher Messtechniken Details aufklären lässt.
20. November 2022

Trainingschool – Ultramicrotomy

The best microscope in the world gives poor results if the preparation is lousy. Ultramicrotomy is a widely adopted and versatile technique which can be utilized to prepare samples for a range of characterization methods.
19. April 2022